Imbued with the energy of a sunny January morn’ ‘Evolving the Forest’s’ debut Film Festival was born. Excited about thought-provoking films that connect people, trees, and perspective. And keen to reach people through mediums not regularly associated with the world of trees and forestry. We wanted to host an event that extends beyond the confines of our echo chambers.
Building on ETF’s 2019 symposium that pulled together the often-polarised worlds of arts, science, politics and philosophy of trees. The film festival will take place Autumn 2023 and is set to be a visual feast. Exploring our connections with environment, people, trees and their interconnectivity. The 3-day international festival will screen feature-length films, a selection of shorts, and offer creative workshops that engage with the earth’s treescapes.
Lastly, as exciting, if not the most exciting part of the film festival – we will be screening our very first feature length film/documentary! We have been gathering content, connecting with communities, and learning how to fly a drone safely and legally. Presently we are refining the narrative and deep in edit-mode. We cannot wait to share the results with you. We are giddy about progress so far, and have met with such interesting, passionate, and wonderful folk along the journey.
Stay up to date with all things film festival here keep an eye on our Insta @evolving_forests over the coming months. There is also a chance to get involved and have a film you have created screened at the festival. Jump here for all the hows and whats