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Lecturing, CPD & Field trips

Updated: Aug 8, 2024


Trees and timber impact so many facets of life from ecology to architecture, city centres to rural landscapes. It's becoming increasingly important in a diverse set of sectors to understand trees, forests, timber and landscapes. We started teaching at universities in 2014 and now guest lecture on a wide range of courses as well as offering CPD to businesses needing to know more about timber and forestry.


Our teaching has evolved over the years. We still teach the technicalities of timber properties and products as well as silviculture and forest policy. We now also focus on more seminar based approaches with under and post graduate students. The future of landscapes, both built and natural create a framework for opening discussions on the future of material provision, the future or rurality and the future of our treescapes. Our teaching and seminars often lead to 1:1 tutorials and ad-hoc advice on student design or research projects.


A new service from us in 2024 since we've been asked a number of times about the future of timber as a material, what sustainable certification actually means and how to specify timber responsibly.

We'll spend an hour with your studio or practice dealing with the points that are of interest or questions you have. We've undertaken CPD sessions for Architype, Ramboll, Architecture for London and Christian Brailey amongst others.


Most people feel they've heard quite enough from us, but we love being able to present at conferences or sit on panels. It's an opportunity to be challenged on our ideas and to challenge others. We've spoken most recently at conferences organised by the Association of Sustainable Building Products, the Institute of Chartered Foresters, Forestry Commission and Royal Forestry Society.

Field Trips

Probably our favourite form of dissemination, CPD and teaching is just going out and looking at some trees or at a sawmill. What better way to understand the richness and complexity of forestry. We've taken students on multi-day trips exploring timber from tree to building as well as single days out to understand silviculture. We've organised field trips for Built By Nature and the Forestry Commission and a number of architecture studios.


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